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What’s Wrong with Feminism?

Writer's picture: Joanne BakerJoanne Baker

Updated: May 28, 2024

I could easily write a whole treatise in answer to the question: “What’s wrong with feminism?” But who would read it? Instead I'll sum it up in one word: teleology.

Teleology is the study of something in respect to its final cause, i.e. its end purpose. What’s wrong with feminism is the same thing that’s wrong with contraception, extra-marital sexual relations, homosexuality, and gender dysphoria, all of which separate human sexuality from its natural end purpose. When you frustrate the natural end of a human activity, all hell breaks loose.

Let me explain. Feminism is rooted in the idea that women are unqualifiedly equal to men. The inherent problem with this idea is that two things are equal based on sameness. Two lines can be equal because these lines are the same: measurable breadthless lengths.  A circle and a square, on the other hand cannot said to be equal... except qualifiedly, i.e. in respect of their quantifiable area which is the same. These are quantities, so the case is a bit different than with substantial beings, but the point is that it is in virtue of their sameness that things are said to be equal.

It is because their essence as persons is the same, that persons can be said to be equal. Men and women, on the other hand, can only be called equal qualifiedly, insofar as they are persons. Insofar as they are sexually differentiated, they are not the same, they are different, so in respect of their difference the word equal cannot be applied.

The point I am making is that we should defend the equal dignity of all persons, just because they are persons. It doesn’t matter if they are male or female, black or white, young or old. But in fact, talking about a difference like male and female in the context of promoting sameness turns everything on end. Men and women are different and nature has made them so for the sake of a purpose. When we try to remove that difference we also remove that purpose from their respective activities, and in place of the natural order we get chaos. We can talk about how to promote women in their uniquely feminine gifts, or how to support men in their uniquely masculine needs. And we can talk about respecting the equal dignity of all persons. But as soon as we wish to make men and women equal, it’s like that ancient mathematicians’ absurdity of the square circle. It makes no sense. We’ve crossed a line.

While I would love to talk about the end of male and female sex differentiation from a theological perspective (because that theology is really cool!) we don’t have to bring 'religion' into this brief discussion. When you do theology you begin with talking about God and what He has revealed to us, and then find out something about His creation. When you do philosophy you begin with talking about nature and end up with God because nature shows forth its Creator. They both include God, but theology is so much simpler and more direct that way. The great thing about philosophy, though, is that because you don’t begin with talking about God, but begin with talking about nature, its accessible to more people.

The acorn's nature acts for an end: the oak tree. - by Heather Gill on Unsplash

So let's start with nature. The pagan philosopher Aristotle says that nature acts for an end. An acorn does not become just any full-grown tree, but specifically an oak tree. The acorn’s nature is ordered to that end. Nor can just any activity conduce to a thing’s natural end. A dog who decides to breathe water would not last very long. Breathing water does not conduce to a dog’s natural end. The same thing applies to human beings, and more specifically to sexual differentiation. Feminism is incompatible with Catholicism or any right reasoning for that matter, because it removes male and female differentiation from the equation, along with its natural end.


Once we remove the end purpose of this difference, then why not approve contraception... which is to take away the natural end of the marriage act? Why not throw in homosexuality for that matter, and sexual promiscuity, as long as we are denying the inherent end purpose to sexuality? And why shouldn't a man decide he is actually a woman, if sexual differentiation is to no purpose? Feminism is an ideology inherently compatible with these perversions because like them it removes the end purpose to which sexual differentiation is ordered by nature. Feminism is inherently irreconcilable with Catholicism and natural law because without natural ends these truth systems make no sense.

The truth is, persons are equal, while men and women are different and complimentary for the sake of a natural end.

What is wrong with feminism? It all comes down to one word: teleology.

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