As you can see from my picture, I received my diploma in the mail. Oddly enough, it is dated a year ago - when I graduated. I guess I've had my Master's all this time, and didn't know it!!

More relevant for the purposes of this post is that it also means I have finished my last few credits, my independent research project or shall I say 'thesis.' The title is Let her Veil - Church Tradition on Woman in the Natural Order.
That's super exciting for me!
I have finally answered a burning question that I've had ever since I became a woman. For so long, the insistent warnings from my father against feminists on the one hand, and my own strong atypical female personality on the other, had left me very confused about femininity in general. As a very intentional sort of person, I tend to base my actions more on intellect than emotion (...that is except when I am feeling too emotional! LOL.) But anyway, that whole confusion had made me lose my bearings. Incidentally, I've noticed that when a topic is a hot button for me, it usually means I have not wrapped my head around it sufficiently, and so that uncertainty is making me feel threatened. Now that this femininity stuff is all straightened out in my head (and especially after I spend some more time processing it all) I expect my life is going to be a little more peaceful inside.
The part of my paper that was most helpful to me is where I get into what at heart it is to be 'feminist.' For so long I've known that word meant something terribly taboo - my dear dad did a good job of impressing that onto my little brain. But honestly, I didn't feel like I understood what it was I was trying to avoid. Now that I'm done with this project, I've got my compass pointing in the right direction, finally.
Incidentally, I was not trying to figure out anything new in this paper, but rather to understand something very old. After all, only error can be totally creative. The tradition is all there in the Fathers, the Church documents, and St. Thomas. My intention in this paper was to simply synthesize, clarify, and transmit those truths to the reader (myself first.) Consequently, there are plenty of long block quotes and short inline quotes And the discussion is either pointing to what the real teachers have to say, or trying to demonstrate what directly follows from their teaching. Although I may peek out between the quotes a little here and there, my hope is that I am not too noticeable.
By now you may be wondering when you'll get to read this paper. Well, let's see how long it takes me to get the editing and design taken care of, so I can self-publish it! It's 100 pages. I'm not looking for a publisher because my audience is somewhat narrow - this is not a pop theology easy read - although I do think the primary audience is out there. (If you have any advice, please let me know... or if you'd like to proof-read.)
*Sneak peak: check out the Define Woman article I already posted. You'll see from this sample that much of the paper is geared toward readers with a little philosophy under their belt (although other parts are pretty accessible.)*
What I personally discovered from my research is rich and profound and glorious!! For me it is life-changing, I'd say... but then the truth always is, isn't it?! God willing, soon others will be blessed by my discovery of these beautiful truths about woman, as well.